sway-toolwait: Tame Your Autostart App Layout

TL;DR Use sway-toolwait to control the layout and workspace of your autostart apps. Introduction I used to have the following in ~/.config/sway/config.d/autostart_applications: swaymsg "workspace number 1" swaymsg "exec flatpak run --env=OBSIDIAN_USE_WAYLAND=1 md.obsidian.Obsidian" swaymsg "exec kitty" swaymsg "workspace number 2" swaymsg "exec firefox" swaymsg "workspace number 3" swaymsg "exec chromium --ozone-platform-hint=auto" swaymsg "exec kitty" swaymsg "workspace number 4" swaymsg "exec vieb --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland" swaymsg "exec kitty" As you can see, I have 3 Chromium-based app. They take longer to launch than kitty, so kitty is launched before them and it messes up my layout. Somtimes they’d launch even in the wrong workspaces (e.g., sway would have switched to workspace 3 before done starting firefox in workspace 2, so firefox is in workspace 3) ...

March 24, 2023 · 3 min

How to Migrate From OneDrive to Nextcloud

TL;DR Use Nextcloud instead of M$’s OneDrive. Purge OneDrive in 10 min. Introduction video by The Linux Experiment. Introduction OneDrive Client for Linux is amazing but it’s for OneDrive. I started looking for an alternative and I found Nextcloud. Comparison OneDrive’s first 5GB is free while Nextcloud is 3GB (for my cloud provider). 3GB is enough for me. nextcloudcmd can also perform two-way sync Getting Started Sign up Note When you sign up, there is a default cloud provider. In my case it’s Qloud. ...

February 4, 2023 · 2 min

lazygit: git Commands Made Simple in Your Terminal

TL;DR Use lazygit for an amazing git workflow. Introduction video by DevOnDuty. Introduction Command line tools are very powerful, but nobody likes typing the same commands over and over again (source): I used to search git syntax and flags on stackoverflow. Now I just open lazygit and press ? for a context-based help menu: My ~/.config/lazygit/config.yml: git: paging: colorArg: always pager: delta --dark --paging=never os: editCommand: "nvim" # see 'Configuring File Editing' section Integration Tips 1. Neovim I use the plugin lazygit.nvim and have the following line in legendary.nvim: ...

January 28, 2023 · 1 min

Tridactyl and Surfingkeys are Vimium on Steroids

TL;DR Use tridactyl or Surfingkeys for a more thorough Vim browser experience than Vimium. Introduction video by Brodie. I’m currently using tridactyl. Introduction I used Vimium for many years but tridactyl and Surfingkeys are another level. Their number of features and level of customization are much more than what Vimium can offer. Tips for Tridactyl 1. Look at Exemplar .tridactylrc files from tridactyl/wiki to get started Tips for Surfingkeys 1. Turn on Advanced mode ...

January 28, 2023 · 1 min

vimiv to Substitute for Ranger's Image Preview in Wayland

2023-08-05 Update The drop-in replacement ueberzugpp has native support for Wayland (sway and hyprland), and most importantly, tmux support on sway and hyprland! pacman -Syu ueberzugpp and then add the following: set preview_images true set preview_images_method ueberzug and you’re done! TL;DR I’ve switched to using vimiv to substitute for my broken Ranger’s image preview. You could also use imv or mpv to interact with Ranger but I found it to be a bit janky. Working fine until something broke… Five months ago, I asked for help on Reddit: [Sway + Kitty + Tmux + Ranger’s Image Preview] Not working but worked in X11. Long story short, the absolute is that Kitty + Tmux + Ranger’s image preview isn’t going to work (#413), but Kitty + Ranger (i.e., without Tmux) works fine, so I had the following: ...

December 27, 2022 · 2 min

Using AutoHotkey (AHK) on a No-admin-rights Windows Machine And Other Tips

Warning Use this information at your own risk. Introduction As mentioned previously, I work as a developer at a corporate. The development experience on a no-admin-rights Windows machine is horrendous. The following quote from this SO reply sums it up: “We value your work so little that we are prepared to significantly compromise your ability to do your job for no good reason. In fact, we are quite happy to do this to cover our own arse, pander to the whims of petty bureaucracy or because we simply can’t be bothered. That’s just the best case. The worst case is that we’re really the type of control freaks that view it as our perogative to tell you how to do your job and what you do or don’t need to do it. Make do with what you’re given and be grateful that you’ve got a job at all.” ...

December 26, 2022 · 3 min

The Comprehensive Guide to Using Neovim with LSP and Treesitter on Windows Without Admin Rights

Warning Use this information at your own risk. TL;DR Easier way: Sideload nvim-win64.zip to your work machine by uploading and then downloading from your Github (or Gitlab or BitBucket) account. Use vscode-neovim to embed a real Neovim instance inside Visual Studio Code (vscode). This is the approach I recommend. The Good: Out of the box LSP support from vscode vscode plugins are available leap.nvim works in vscode-neovim: ...

December 24, 2022 · 9 min

legendary.nvim: Execute Keymaps in Vscode's Command Palette Style

TL;DR Use legendary.nvim to execute keymaps, commands, and autocommands in Vscode’s Command Palette style. Using legendary.nvim to excute seldomly used commands like comment-box.nvim. Introduction There are commands that I don’t use frequently, but when I need them, I forget them. Before legendary.nvim, I used which-key.nvim. I never had the patience or the memory to go through each level of the popup window to execute the command I want (is it <leader>, g, or <leader>g?). ...

December 23, 2022 · 1 min

Blocking Distractions with OpenDNS in Linux

TL;DR Use OpenDNS, StevenBlack/hosts, LeechBlockNG to stop yourself from wasting time online. Introduction I’m a sucker for distractions. Before switching to Linux, I was using FocusMe and Cold Turkey to block distractions. They’re amazing for they could completely take control of my machine: I’d not been able to circumvent the block and go on YouTube or even launch mpv. Given I’d switched to Linux, it’s impossible to do so, so I had to resort to the following tools. ...

September 4, 2022 · 2 min

leap.nvim: Next-gen Motion Plugin for Neovim

TL;DR Use leap.nvim to jump to anywhere in the window with fewer than 4 keystrokes. Jumping order: AddWatchFlags (line 11) -> IntoApp (line 5) -> unix (line 17) -> InputDevice (line 8) Introduction leap.nvim is the next-gen motion plugin. I used vim-sneak and easymotion but leap.nvim is next-level smoothiness and intuitiveness. Vim/Neovim makes me wonder how I edited code with vscode before. leap.nvim makes me wonder why I spammed JJwww and kkkkbbb to move around the window. ...

August 31, 2022 · 1 min