Todoman+tasks+Nextcloud: Ditch Your Proprietary TODO apps like Todoist

TL;DR Todoman + vdirsyncer + tasks + Nextcloud to sync across your Linux desktop and Android devices. Introduction Why switched away fro Todoist? Proprietary I want a command-line tool The above solution does take some time to set up. But it’s mostly set-and-forget. Tools Todoman: command-line TODO manager vdirsyncer: synchronizes TODOs between devices using Nextcloud autovdirsyncer: monitors our TODO collections and upload automatically when there are changes tasks: Android client so that we can use our TODO on the go Nextcloud: server that glues everything together Getting Started Install the packages pacman -Syu todoman vdirsyncer autovdirsyncer Note The binary for todoman is just todo....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min

find-extender.nvim: like leap.nvim but for the current line

TL;DR Use find-extender.nvim to jump to anywhere within the current line with exactly 4 keystrokes. Introduction Using leap.nvim to jump to any location within the buffers is great but for jumping within the current line, I didn’t have a good enough solution until now. I tried clever-f.vim and flit.nvim but they’re not precise enough. Let’s say I have the following line and have to get to WORD_fingWORD: print("find FInd fInd find_extender WORDfiWORD wordfIword WORD_fingWORD") The annoyance is that when my eyes are on the target string, I’m not aware of all the possible matches preceding WORD_fingWORD....

April 24, 2023 · 2 min

sway-toolwait: Tame Your Autostart App Layout

TL;DR Use sway-toolwait to control the layout and workspace of your autostart apps. Introduction I used to have the following in ~/.config/sway/config.d/autostart_applications: swaymsg "workspace number 1" swaymsg "exec flatpak run --env=OBSIDIAN_USE_WAYLAND=1 md.obsidian.Obsidian" swaymsg "exec kitty" swaymsg "workspace number 2" swaymsg "exec firefox" swaymsg "workspace number 3" swaymsg "exec chromium --ozone-platform-hint=auto" swaymsg "exec kitty" swaymsg "workspace number 4" swaymsg "exec vieb --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland" swaymsg "exec kitty" As you can see, I have 3 Chromium-based app....

March 24, 2023 · 3 min

How to Migrate From OneDrive to Nextcloud

TL;DR Use Nextcloud instead of M$’s OneDrive. Purge OneDrive in 10 min. Introduction video by The Linux Experiment. Introduction OneDrive Client for Linux is amazing but it’s for OneDrive. I started looking for an alternative and I found Nextcloud. Comparison OneDrive’s first 5GB is free while Nextcloud is 3GB (for my cloud provider). 3GB is enough for me. nextcloudcmd can also perform two-way sync Getting Started Sign up Note When you sign up, there is a default cloud provider....

February 4, 2023 · 2 min

lazygit: git Commands Made Simple in Your Terminal

TL;DR Use lazygit for an amazing git workflow. Introduction video by DevOnDuty. Introduction Command line tools are very powerful, but nobody likes typing the same commands over and over again (source): I used to search git syntax and flags on stackoverflow. Now I just open lazygit and press ? for a context-based help menu: My ~/.config/lazygit/config.yml: git: paging: colorArg: always pager: delta --dark --paging=never os: editCommand: "nvim" # see 'Configuring File Editing' section Integration Tips 1....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min