Use legendary.nvim to execute keymaps, commands, and autocommands in Vscode’s Command Palette style.


Using legendary.nvim to excute seldomly used commands like comment-box.nvim.


There are commands that I don’t use frequently, but when I need them, I forget them. Before legendary.nvim, I used which-key.nvim. I never had the patience or the memory to go through each level of the popup window to execute the command I want (is it <leader>, g, or <leader>g?).

With legendary.nvim, I no longer need to remember the shortcuts. Instead, I just need fuzzy find it like the gif shown above.

Getting Started

  1. Install with packer.nvim:
  1. Let’s say I want to update my plugins
  2. <C-l> to bring up the command palette
  3. search packer to fuzzy find the update command and hit Enter



The README is extremely well-written and detailed. Also, check out my nvim-config/legendary.lua if you’re interested.