plocate: Not a Drop-in Replacement If You're Using btfrs

TL;DR If you want to use plocate while your filesystem is btrfs, do the following: edit /etc/updatedb.conf: replace PRUNE_BIND_MOUNTS = "yes" with PRUNE_BIND_MOUNTS = "no" save the file update the db with sudo updatedb test again with $ locate home to see any outputs from home directory Introduction plocate is supposed to be a much faster drop-in replacement for mlocate, but I had a lot of troble getting it to work....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min

Todoman+tasks+Nextcloud: Ditch Your Proprietary TODO apps like Todoist

TL;DR Stack: Nextcloud: server tasks: Android client Todoman: cli integration vdirsyncer: “database” Together they can sync across your Linux desktop and Android devices. Introduction Why switched away from Todoist? Proprietary No cli integration Notes The above solution does take some time to set it up. But afterwards, it’s set-and-forget. Also, check out my How to Migrate From OneDrive to Nextcloud to get started on Nextcloud. Tools Nextcloud: server that glues everything together tasks: Android client on the go Todoman: cli integration vdirsyncer: synchronizes TODOs between devices autovdirsyncer: monitors the TODO db and update accordingly and automatically Getting Started Install the packages pacman -Syu todoman vdirsyncer autovdirsyncer Notes The binary for todoman is todo....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min

How to Migrate From OneDrive to Nextcloud

TL;DR Use Nextcloud instead of M$’s OneDrive. Purge OneDrive in 10 min. Introduction video by The Linux Experiment. Introduction OneDrive Client for Linux is amazing but it’s for OneDrive. I started looking for an alternative and I found Nextcloud. Comparison OneDrive’s first 5GB is free while Nextcloud is 3GB (for my cloud provider). 3GB is enough for me. nextcloudcmd can also perform two-way sync Getting Started Sign up Note When you sign up, there is a default cloud provider....

February 4, 2023 · 2 min

lazygit: git Commands Made Simple in Your Terminal

TL;DR Use lazygit for an amazing git workflow. Introduction video by DevOnDuty. Introduction Command line tools are very powerful, but nobody likes typing the same commands over and over again (source): I used to search git syntax and flags on stackoverflow. Now I just open lazygit and press ? for a context-based help menu: My ~/.config/lazygit/config.yml: git: paging: colorArg: always pager: delta --dark --paging=never os: editCommand: "nvim" # see 'Configuring File Editing' section Integration Tips 1....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min

Tridactyl and Surfingkeys are Vimium on Steroids

TL;DR Use tridactyl or Surfingkeys for a more thorough Vim browser experience than Vimium. Introduction video by Brodie. I’m currently using tridactyl. Introduction I used Vimium for many years but tridactyl and Surfingkeys are another level. Their number of features and level of customization are much more than what Vimium can offer. Tips for Tridactyl 1. Look at Exemplar .tridactylrc files from tridactyl/wiki to get started Tips for Surfingkeys 1....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min